Diefenhardt Riesling Trocken J.D. 2012 |
The wine vaults, still in use today, were built in the 17th century. In 1917 the great-grandfather of Peter Seyffardt, called Jakob Diefenhardt acquired the Estate in Martinsthal from Baron von Reichenau. At this early stage the Estate was a founding member of the VDP. The “Association of German Predicate Wine Estates” (VDP) celebrated its centennial in 2010. Also, in 1891 Baron of Reichenau had the hunting house built.
As a prominent landmark of the region it is still towering on the edge of the forest high above our First Growth Vineyard Martinsthaler Wildsau. As an interesting reminiscence of the past: Jakob Diefenhardt donated some wines to the crew of Dr. Eckner, the successor of Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, on the occasion of the first flight around the world in the Zeppelin Airship LZ 12.